
Hours of Availibilty

Our BOARD CERTIFIED, LICENSED physician is available at hours mentioned below:

Our hours are: Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4:00 pm


General Medicine Clinic has been caring for the Houston community for over 10 years. We are proud of our individual ‘hands on’ approach to patient care. We use state-of-the-art techniques to provide freedom by decreasing your pain and improving your movement.

When we first opened our doors, we had one simple goal and that goal has never changed. We want to take care of people. We have always been committed to reducing pain, increasing movement, and helping people stay strong and active.

We accept all major insurance including Medicare and Medicaid. We know that the faster treatment is started the better. We will work with all new patients to see them as soon as possible.  

We use comprehensive approach incorporating  education and guidance for the best results. You don’t have to live with the pain. Let us teach you how to live without it. Give us a call at 281-859-7100 to learn more about our services.

Address: 4654 Hwy 6 # 308, Houston, Tx 77084

For our patient portal, please visit

Are you needing to speak to the doctor? Tell us your email address so that we can send a link
- OR -
Visit https://spruce.care/2818597100 to create an account (download Spruce app) to receive care if you have urgent symptoms like cold or cough symptoms, rash, urinary symptoms, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, pinkeye, STD, UTI, COVID-19 symptoms, back pain, constipation or diarrhea, ED, medication refill, sprain or strain, travel advice

Need to contact us? Please send a brief message to clinic@yorktownxing.sprucecare.com (Nuestra dirección de correo electrónico)

Visit our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/yorktownxingmed

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